Love Gaba’s Orient Electric Interview Experience

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Interview Questions

Ques. Introduce yourself to the readers

Hello , I am from Chandigarh . I have lead many managerial roles in different societies . Self Motivation and never to give up has always been my strengths because what you are about to read is my experience of sixth interview , Yes I have been rejected in five different companies . But still continuous hard work and patience has paid me .

Ques. What was the difficulty level of the interview? (1- very easy, 10-very difficult)


Ques. Tell us about the written/online test. (Aptitude, Coding, Test Platform, etc)

Three rounds 1. GD round 2 Online test 3. Interview (Technical + HR)

  1. GD round – 14 people , 10 mins , Topic – Bullet Trains or Better Trains . Knowledge of facts and your content matter.
  2. Online test – Technical + Aptitude , 1 hour test , Aptitude very easy , For technical basic electrical knowledge and subjects like Network analysis , Switchgear and Power System are important .

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