Aryaveer Kapoor’s Deloitte USI Interview Experience

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Interview Questions

Ques. Introduce yourself to the readers

Hey everyone myself Aryaveer from the ENC branch and I was lucky enough to get placed Deolite with having an internship at mentorgraphics.

Ques. What was the difficulty level of the interview? (1- very easy, 10-very difficult)


Ques. Tell us about the written/online test. (Aptitude, Coding, Test Platform, etc)

In deolite, there were three rounds one was aptitude, then technical and lastly was the English round. There was no coding question since It was of consultant profile .After the test, there was just a minute round where you had to speak for one minute of the topic and my topic was about video call versus voice call. After that, I got selected.But in mentor graphics there were questioning about coding.

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