Snehdeep Kaur’s OLX Interview Experience

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Interview Questions

Ques. Introduce yourself to the readers

Hi! I am Snehdeep Kaur. I am currently a final year student at Thapar University. I was actively part of societies like EDC, ORION, Unsaid Talks. I was part of Unsaid Talks for the last three and a half years. I was initially the content and designing head, now I am one of the core members. I had no prior technical knowledge when I came to college so I started practicing in the first year from Hacker Rank basic questions. In the third year I started with ML and along with that, I used to prepare for 2-month internships. In the same year, I was rejected from Optum and then I started preparing from Leetcode and now I got selected for OLX.

Ques. What was the difficulty level of the interview? (1- very easy, 10-very difficult)


Ques. Tell us about the written/online test. (Aptitude, Coding, Test Platform, etc)

So it was an online coding test where there were 3 coding questions that were of easy to medium level.

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